I’m so glad my partner kept
The pamphlet they got
At a rabbit pop-up
They passed on the street!!!
They left it on the kitchen table,
So now I get to stare
At a paragraph
About rabbit spaying and neutering
All day as I work from home!!!
Why it did not immediately end up in the trash is beyond me. Jess doesn’t even want a rabbit (and I obviously do not) — a lady just handed it to them on the way out and they “held onto it”.
Don’t worry, though, it eventually made its way to the trash, when I moved it to clear space for our 2-person Thanksgiving dinner.
Which was delicious.
But I was in a pissy mood because the Allison Roman dilly rolls I tried to make refused to rise1. Still determined to eat them, I spent the night ripping apart rock-hard dough.
After Thanksgiving dinner, we randomly chose to watch How To Train Your Dragon2 — and I kept grumbling about how it was interesting that he could get the dragons to rise, but I couldn’t get one singular damn dilly roll dough to do the same.
In terms of post-Thanksgiving life, not much to report. It’s finally reached kill-yourself cold here in New York, which is really aggravating my E22ADMC (Everyone’s 22 and Driving Me Crazy) Syndrome.
I don’t mean actually 22, just spiritually 22. But some are actually 22. I can’t name names because there are no names—it’s just a blanket feeling. Does this make sense?
In an attempt to be less negative, I’ll move on to my Sight of the Week: a woman wearing her jacket over her backpack. She’s not the first to do this (or delight me with it), but I still smiled BIG TIME. I mean, come on! You look like A DAMN TURTLE. I’m basically watching a DAM LADY TURTLE TEXT WHILE WAITING FOR THE TRAIN 😂 How hilarious and awesome is that? Sorry! Life’s full of pockets of joy if ur on the lookout!
^They’re going to use this newsletter in medical schools as an example of the world’s most aggressive mood ping-pong/ headspace seesaw.
Snack of the Week is the cranberry cake (or: Crancake3) Jess made for the holiday. It received rave reviews from me, impressed DMs from family and friends, and a few “Cake on Thanksgiving? What are you, a psychopathic, moronic demon who worships Satan?” from some of the people I keep around to say things like that to me.
How’s everyone doing?
(yeah, that’s right, I’m hitting ya with an simple old classic kinda question this time around! Isn’t that refreshing? — very few people actually comment, but I CONTINUE TO ASK/PROMPT — cuz I see u 800 peeps clickin’ and Reidin’ — don’t b shy!)
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You only live once! (Should I bring back Yolo in 2025?)
C U Next Tuesday
Thank you for subscribing to this newsletter. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes it’s not [it’s a lot like when people slip on ice]. If this is your first time reading, pls check out the archives.
Reid Pope
Bonus Jonas:
I followed the directions to a T!!!!!
Had never seen. Was great.
Copyright Reid Pope
one time for thanksgiving i made popovers and left out the flour. they were little fried egg cups and they were disgusting <3
if worshipping the satanic cake is wrong - i don’t wanna be right!!!!!!