when you reach 4.5 years of dating, it's tradition for ur dad to hop on Zoom with u and ur partner and explain the food poisoning he got from eating a bad piece of lox in graphic detail including the words "bucket" and "both ends"
it’s still january… hope everyone is safe and doing okay —
this newsletter goes out to the multiple people who dropped things on the ground / shined their phone flashlights in my face during my 2pm showing of The Brutalist
it was like 4D (helped me understand how viscerally difficult it is to not shout “are you kidding me?!” when everyone around you is being annoying slash crazy)
while the movie was phenomenal, i couldn’t help but reflect on the fact that László’s Jewish wife held back on all passive aggressive comments re: his building a damn church that sun-projects a giant cross onto an altar inside it.
if the film took place in 2025, you’d hear my mother going “really? a church?” at full volume while he placed the cardboard cross atop the architectural model.
speaking of my mom, the jury’s still out on whether she’ll love this film for its moving depictions of Adrian Brody doing the Ashamnu in full High Holiday regalia or hate it for its equally vivid depictions of Adrian Brody doing intravenous drugs — stay tuned!
what else?
Snack Of The Week: home-made mini everything bagels Jess baked yesterday
i watched this fun video today
and that’s about it…
C U Next Tuesday
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Reid Pope
Bonus Jonas Zone:

pls god leave me prompts in the comments re: what to talk about… I’ve done over 200 of these I need help…
whoah jess bagels look great. revenge for u eating their bagel last week...